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Topeak Front Basket
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Bicycles are a great form of transportation. They use no gas, provide you with exercise, and typically don’t get stuck in traffic. The only downside to bicycles are their lack of storage space. A standard bike with no accessories typical has zero storage space making it sometimes hard to bring your daily personal belongings with you. A backpack is always good for storage but can often become annoying to wear, especially on a bike. The easiest and most functional way to transport items on a bike is with a bike basket. Bike baskets provide you with a space to hold your backpack, your lunch box, your jacket, or anything else you might have with you.

Bike baskets can attach to multiple parts of the bike, but most of them attach to the front end of the bike on the handlebars. These baskets are quite easy to install and provide an easy place to throw your bag when you leave for your commute. A popular design features metal rods that extend down to the front wheel axle to secure the basket in place. These baskets are strong and secure, but must not be used on a bike with front suspension. As the front suspension compresses, it causes the metal rods to flex, bend, and potentially snap. If you have a bike with front suspension and want a basket, make sure to pick a basket that only attaches to the handlebars and doesn’t feature the extended rod design.

Baskets are typically either made of metal or wicker. A wicker basket looks cute and stylish on beach cruiser bikes, but they aren’t as durable as metal basket. If you are looking for a basket to throw on your daughter’s beach cruiser, a wicker basket is probably a good option. If you are looking for a basket to use daily on your commute to work in the city, go with a metal one. If you have any questions about bike baskets, hop on a call or chat with one of our expert Gear Advisors today at 888-880-3811. They are always happy to help you with any questions you may have. Keep Pedaling!